Equipment Sanitation
The patented Sani Sport technology has been scientifically proven to eliminate 99 and 100% of the dangerous bacteria that are found in protective equipment including MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), general staph infections, E Coli, and a variety of influenza organisms.
The most effective method of killing bacteria and odors.

MRSA or Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus has become a dangerous and important issue in recent years. Many NHL and NFL Players have been hospitalized due to bacteria from their equipment entering their bodies through a cut or abrasion.
In February of 2007, Sani Sport received results of an extensive microbiological testing carried out by BioMedco Laboratories. The company, which was founded in 1989, consists of accredited chemists, microbiologists, biochemists, medical doctors and engineers. BioMedico, an established leader in the North American microbiological industry, also has affiliations with the University of Montreal and its Masters and PhD programs.
The Science of clean
MRSA or Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus is a dangerous and important issue . NHL and NFL Players are hospitalized due to bacteria from their equipment entering their bodies through a cut or abrasion.
February of 2012, Sani Sport received results of an extensive microbiological testing carried out by BioMedco Laboratories. The company, which was founded in 1989, consists of accredited chemists, microbiologists, biochemists, medical doctors and engineers. BioMedico, an established leader in the North American microbiological industry, also has affiliations with the University of Montreal and its Masters and PhD programs.
O3, (Ozone) also referred to as “Activated Oxygen” or “Tri-Oxygen” contains three atoms of oxygen, rather than the two atoms we normally breathe. Optimizing this natural gas with strong oxidizing properties, O3 opens up sports’ equipment fibers to penetrate dangerous bacteria. O3 kills germs 3200 times faster and is 150 times more powerful than chlorine bleach.
The O3 Process can be used to clean equipment for Hockey, Football, Lacrosse, Baseball, Figure Skating and more!

Simple, Affordable Pricing
Player: $35 (HST Included)
Goalie: $45 (HST Included)
The Sani-Sport system is so good that is the choice of 27 NHL teams, 13 NFL Teams, 6 CFL Teams and most recently The Toronto Blue Jays. Simply put, it adds the piece of mind that you are looking for and it disinfects and removes harmful BACTERIA & ODORS in less than 15 minutes.